The Australian Curriculum outlines the content and skills to be taught at each year level in all Key Learning Areas across our school. At Flagstone State School, our learning is built on 21st Century innovative curriculum and all key learning areas are designed using research by Fullan, Quinn and McEachen - New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. We believe that learning is driven by planned understanding goals (WALT), what it looks like if achieved (WILF), the purpose for the learning to make deeper student-centred learning opportunities (TIB), and finally, student agency is promoted to drive further differentiation that is student led (HKL). The six global competencies character, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, citizenship and communication underpin our philosophy. We recognise our roles as citizens in our school and commit to making connections locally, nationally and internationally. We actively communicate with each other, with students, with parents and our wider school community. We bring creative and critical thinking skills to our daily work by pursuing problem solving and turning ideas into action and by experimenting and reflecting. We focus on character and teachers' model empathy, compassion and integrity. We are purposeful in our collaboration where we work, learn and achieve together.
The Australian Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum sets out the priorities and aspirations we hold for our young people, regardless of where they live and learn. It was developed to improve the quality, equity and transparency of Australia's education system.
The Australian Curriculum sets out the essential knowledge, understanding and skills students need to learn, and the quality of learning that is expected of the students as they progress through their schooling.
The Australian Curriculum is designed to prepare young people for the future world in which they will live, and prepares them to respond to the challenges that will continue to shape their world. It sets out the priorities and aspirations we hold for all our young people. The curriculum represents what the Australian community values as the knowledge, understanding and skills that young people should attain.