Payment Window Operation Hours
EFTPOS/CASH Wednesday only - 8:30-9:30
All other payments are paid
through Q. Parents or
BPOINT. Download our
BPOINT instructions (PDF, 311KB) to complete your payments.
BPOINT and Phone Payment (IVR)
All BPOINT payments must use the CRN number that starts with 0471********* and invoice number. Please pay each invoice separately so that the system can recognise and match up correctly.
Payments over the phone are now processed by IVR, which is an automated service that allows you to pay with your credit card.
Phone number 1300 631 073.
Payment of School Accounts
Payments can be made by QParents/BPOINT, EFTPOS, Cash and Centrepay
- Payment may be made through the QParents portal using a credit card. Payments will be directed from the QParents portal to BPOINT where relevant outstanding invoice information may be selected.
When paying by BPOINT, please use the Customer Reference Number (CRN) and invoice number as printed on the invoice received from the school. Payment can be easily made through the BPOINT hyperlink at the bottom left-hand corner.
Centrepay Deductions are available to pay the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) fee or excursions. Use Centrepay to make regular deductions from your Centrelink payments. Centrepay is a voluntary and easy payment option available to Centrelink customers.
Please go to the link for information on how to set up Centerlink Deductions and enter Flagstone State School's unique Customer reference number (CRN) 555077898L when completing your application.
Payment Arrangements
Several payment options including a single payment for the full year SRS fee or term instalments are available. An instalment plan can be also negotiated with the school.
Any unpaid invoices, will be managed according to the Education Department's Debt Management Procedure.
Financial Hardship
Parents experiencing financial hardship who are currently participating or wish to participate in the SRS should contact the school to discuss available options in confidence.
For Parents in Dispute Over the Payment of their Child's School Activity Fees
In accordance with Qld Government Policy- Family law matters affecting state schools- Schools should not enter into part payment or 50/50 invoicing arrangements. It is a matter for the parents to determine who pays the invoiced fees. If there is a payment arrangement between the parents that has not been adhered to, that is a matter for the parents to resolve between themselves.
Students Resource Scheme Refund Policy
Students who exit the school during the year, will receive a pro-rata refund of the Student Resource Scheme or (SRS) fee.
Excursions General
Refunds for excursions will vary depending on separate funding arrangements such as the transportation component. Parents are to complete our notice of refund form and return it to the main office within (7) days, prior to the excursion occurring. This is then approved by the Principal before processing.
School Camps
Refund for camps, will vary depending on the separate funding arrangements such as the transportation component.
Student numbers are confirmed 4 weeks prior to the event occurring and refunds may not be available. Considerations may be made for extenuating circumstances as approved by the Principal.
School Day Incursions
Incursions are non- refundable unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the Principal.
We are moving towards less usage of paper and emailing invoices directly to parents. If you are not getting your invoices by email and would like to, please ring the office on 55479222 for the staff to update this information.
School Banking
Student banking available through the office. If you would like more details please peruse
school banking
document (PDF,200KB)
Banking is completed on Thursday.